If you or your business suffered monetary loss or damages from a price fixing agreement, you may be entitled to compensation from a price fixing class action lawsuit case or settlement claim.
A team of class action attorneys and antitrust lawyers is investigating potential price fixing antitrust class action lawsuit cases of individuals and/or businesses who were harmed by an illegal price fixing agreement.
A price fixing agreement is an agreement among competitors in a particular market for goods or services to set the prices (i.e., to increase, decease or keep the same) or set the terms of goods or services being sold. A price fixing agreement can be written, oral, or inferred by conduct.
Under the antitrust law, price-fixing schemes are per se violations (i.e., no inquiry is required into the price fixing schemes’ effect on the market or the intentions of those involved) of the Sherman Antitrust Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1 “Section 1,” which makes unlawful all contracts, combinations, and conspiracies that unreasonably restrain trade.
Price Fixing Class Action Lawsuit Claims
Price fixing class action lawsuit and settlement cases potentially being investigated include claims involving individuals and/or businesses who suffered monetary loss or damages from an unlawful price fixing agreement, including agreements to:
- Fix the price of goods or services
- Increase prices
- Decrease prices
- Keep prices the same
- Establish or adhere to price discounts
- Eliminate or reduce discounts or other promotions
- Eliminate or reduce warranty protections
- Adopt a standard formula for computing prices
- Maintain price differentials between different types, sizes, or quantities of products
- Adhere to a minimum fee or price schedule
- Fix credit terms or financing rates
- Restrict advertising (e.g., agreement to not advertise prices)
- Set shipping fee terms
- Set other terms or conditions of sale
- Rig bids
- Other price fixing lawsuit claims
Price fixing agreements can take many forms, and any agreement that restricts price competition can violate antitrust law. For example, a price fixing agreement can include an agreement regarding future prices, costs, capacity, identity of customers, allocation of customers or sales areas, production quotas, R&D plans and the like.
If you or your business was harmed by a price fixing agreement, you may be entitled to recover compensation from a price fixing class action lawsuit case or settlement claim. Contact an antitrust class action lawyer to request a free case review.
*The listing of a company or product is not meant to state or imply that the company or entity acted illegally or improperly or that the product is unsafe or defective; rather only that an investigation may be, is or was being conducted to determine whether legal rights have been violated.
**The use of any trademarks, tradenames or service marks is solely for product identification and/or informational purposes.
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