If you or your company suffered monetary loss or damages from a bundling or tying antitrust scheme, you may be entitled to compensation from a tying class action lawsuit or settlement claim.
A team of class action attorneys and antitrust lawyers is investigating antitrust class action lawsuit cases of individuals and/or businesses who were harmed from tying or bundling antitrust schemes.
Tying occurs when a seller conditions the sale or lease of one product or service on the customer’s agreement to buy a second product or service. Bundling occurs when multiple products are packaged and sold together. Tying or bundling can be harmless or even pro-competitive.
However, when a seller offering a product or service has sufficient market power in connection with the product or service and will only sell that product or service to customers who agree to also buy a different (often less desirable) product or service from the seller (i.e., the “tied” product or service), the customer may be forced to buy the bundled or tied product or service from that seller against his or her wishes.
In these situations, tying or bundling may restrict competition (i.e., the buyer might prefer not to purchase the product or service at all or may prefer to buy it from a different seller at a lower price), without providing benefits to consumers, potentially in violation of antitrust law.
Tying Antitrust Class Action Lawsuit Claims
Tying class action lawsuit and settlement cases potentially being investigated include claims of individuals or businesses who suffered harm or damages due to tying or bundling, including:
- Tying
- Horizontal tying
- Vertical tying
- Bundling
- Conditioned/forced purchase of tied product/service
- Inability to buy tied products/services separately
- Inability to buy tied products/services from other sellers
- Other tying lawsuit claims
Horizontal tying occurs when consumers are required to purchase an unrelated product or service together with the desired one (e.g., when the sale of a TV is conditioned on the sale of a cell phone or the purchase of insurance for the cell phone). Vertical tying occurs when consumers are required to buy a related product or service from the same company (e.g., when the sale of a printer is conditioned on it being serviced only by the seller and it only using paper sold by the seller).
If you or your company were harmed from a bundling or tying scheme, you may be entitled to recover compensation from a tying class action lawsuit case or settlement claim. Contact an antitrust class action lawyer to request a free case review.
*The listing of a company or product is not meant to state or imply that the company or entity acted illegally or improperly or that the product is unsafe or defective; rather only that an investigation may be, is or was being conducted to determine whether legal rights have been violated.
**The use of any trademarks, tradenames or service marks is solely for product identification and/or informational purposes.
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